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Oh, hey dere!


Welcome to Minnesota Guau!  Join me and my collaborator, Sabrina Diehl, through a day in the life of two brown, queer theatre students living in Minneapolis, who are just trying to connect with their gente and find a decent taco in this town! 


I was inspired to do this episodic series as a response to my personal experiences living in the Midwest, moving here was a culture shock to say the least. Although I was embraced by the loving arms of Minneapolis’ vibrant Queer community, I couldn’t help but notice just how pale arms could be... like a fresh sheet of paper, or powdered snow… but I digress. When you come from the warm embrace of a very QUEER, very BROWN, coastal town, like Los Angeles or Miami, you definitely start to miss certain things: la comida, su comunidad, putas masculinas, tu Mamá. This series is a love letter to all the Latinx queerdos living in the Midwest who often don’t feel seen. We’re here, we’re brown, we’re SUPER queer, and let me reiterate, we DO live here, we’re not casing the place I swear!


The first episode of Minnesota Guau! is currently in post-production and will be released at a later date. For updates on new episodes follow @MN_GUAU on Instagram.

Minnesota Guau!

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